Who we are


Family History Channel is a company created by the O’Brien Family.

Jim O’Brien was born in Parsons Kansas in 1952. His father’s ancestors came to the US from Ireland in the mid-1800’s 

while his mother’s family arrived in the late 1600’s. his wife Jenny Quispe O’Brien

original from Peru, her ancestor come from the most old culture of the region Inkas, 

her mother name Nacayauri coming from one old  relative from 

one of the last princes in Machu Pichu (Cuzco) in the 1500’s

We are family that we believe in history and and belive we don’t really die, we just are travelver of on this earth

given us the gift of the life.

We strong belive after we pass our souls take another way so natural and beautiful and  they  go back where they come from.

Some of our dear families already passed away  going back to his creation, 

but we are human and we have a special feeling for our dear ones, even when we know our relative in a wonderful place

we still want to see them and talk to us and want to see them and remember very clearly how was their personanality

and how amazing person they were. 

Jim O’Brien is one of  the top technology person in the tv industry for more 50 years

Jenny Quispe O’Brien is a special soul know by familes and friends for her great gift promonitions and sensitive human being

in adition her skill artistic filmaker, editor and melodies compositions. 

the main idea of Family History Channel is to open a important resorce to keep the memories in tact .